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UI/Web Design
Your website will be the face of your business. Let's build a site that meets modern standards and attract customers.
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Tally App Challenge

Tally App Challenge is an event where students can learn how to develop a mobile app by having mentors from App Innovators, a mobile app/website development company. 

This whole web design was inspired by the event's logo's colors and shapes to keep the consistency throughout the campaign.


eAgentX2 is a security software for law enforcement, produced by Diverse Computing, Inc. 

With the pop and bright colors of blue and yellow and rounded shapes of icons, the reserved image of law enforcement software has turned into a more approachable, user-friendly service that customers can utilize for their security.

CSI Contracting

CSI Contracting is a cerified General Contracting/Construction Management Firm.

Using the color scheme of the existing logo, this website was designed to look modern and professional.

The International Leadership Course

- The Original Website -

The International Leadership Course is an intensive two-year high school English program for students to learn to succeed in a competitive international environment.

The website was redesigned to look cleaner and more professional with consistent coloring and navigation that is easier and more user-friendly.

Brehon Family Services

Brehon Family Services is a corporation in Tallahassee dedicated to improving the lives of children.

This website was designed to have a visual connection between their brand and the website looks; therefore I incorporated the diamond shapes which represents the “kites” in their logo, and I also used the blue and green gradient color to match with the brand’s color to make the website look more dynamic but still have the brand’s identity.

McKenzie Tank Lines, Inc.

McKenzie Tank Lines, Inc. is a transportation service provider to serve a host of the nation’s leading industrial companies in the South East and across the country and Canada. They transport chemicals, propane and petroleum products.

The simple interface design makes the website easy to navigate and having minimal colors makes the website's look consistent and less overwhelming. 

H₂  Portfolio

This is a previous version of H₂ website.


The background image of water matches with the H₂ graphic and the overall brand of H₂. However, this background image also creates an overwhelming and busy look to the portfolio, so H₂ decided to update to the current one you are viewing.

Chocolat Shanah
Chocolat Shannah.png

Chocolat Shanah is a chocolate shop in Tallahassee, Florida, offering beautifully handcrafted bonbons; delectable artistic creations meant to spark joy in every customer.

Chocolat Shanah's website was created for showcasing the beauty and tastefulness of their bonbons as well as for customers to place orders. The accent color of red complements the website's tone and it also represents the flag of Japan, the country the chocolatier is from.

This is a previous version of H₂ website.


The background image of water matches with the H₂ graphic and the overall brand of H₂. However, this background image also creates an overwhelming and busy look to the portfolio, so H₂ decided to update to the current one you are viewing.

The CXOs
CXO Website.png

The CXO's is a consulting company based in California, offering relevant, actionable and effective strategies to drive toward immediate, leverageable and repeatable results. The CXO's engages at all levels of the company - from the owners to the people on the front lines.

The website is designed and unified with the CXO's brand colors, dark blue and light green.

This is a previous version of H₂ website.


The background image of water matches with the H₂ graphic and the overall brand of H₂. However, this background image also creates an overwhelming and busy look to the portfolio, so H₂ decided to update to the current one you are viewing.

CalATMA California Acupuncture & Traditional Medicine Association
CalATMA Website.png

CalATMA, California Acupuncture & Traditional Medicine Association, was established for protecting, promoting, integrating, and advancing the practice of acupuncture and traditional medicine, as well as for preserving the rights of the patients it serves and seeking continuous improvement in the quality of patient treatment and care.

CalATMA's website has been redesigned with more clear and easier navigations to menu and links, and it got an online portal for new members to submit their membership applications and payments, which took the place of their previous time-consuming process of printing and mailing applications.

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